Rose Opal®, Callistemon


Rose Opal® is a dwarf compact shrub which is great for smaller gardens.  It bears masses of colourful red brushes in Spring.

Plant Useage

Rose Opal® is an excellent garden or tub specimen and can also be used for hedging.

Growing Conditions

Rose Opal® will tolerate a wide range of soils and can be grown in full sun to light shade, however Callistemons do seem to perform best in full sun.  They can even be grown in soils that are not so well drained.

Plant Care

Rose Opal® is very easily grown and requires little attention. They are generally free of insect attack and diseases and do not require regular fertilizing.

Twice yearly trimming, once after flowering and again about three months later is all that's required to keep Rose Opal®Tnice and compact and covered in new growth.