Jingles, Gloxinia
Jingles® flowers through the dreary days of Winter with its massed display of bright orange red to crimson-red bell shaped flowers. During this flowering period you can bring your plant indoors for a bright and striking addition to your living areas. In shady garden beds the massed display of flower is eye catching.
Plant Useage
Jingles® can be used as a patio pot, in a hanging basket, or as a ground cover in semi-shaded areas. Jingles® will reach an approximate height and width of 30cm. This is an excellent plant to use with shades of terracotta for a Mediterranean touch. Containers whether hanging or on a bench, can be moved to prominence when Jingles® is in bloom.
Growing Conditions
Jingles® grows best in light shaded areas. With minimum of care through the year you can expect a great show of colour to brighten up your garden or home. Flowering begins in April and continues through well into Winter.
Plant Care
Protect from frost. Prune to the ground after flowering. Fertilise in Spring and Summer to maintain the plants health and to ensure a spectacular display of flowers. Prepare garden beds well by digging in leaf mulch and humus. In pots use a standard free draining house plant mix. Slow release fertiliser applied in late Spring is necessary for a good show of flowers. No special care is needed other than to keep moist but not wet.