Sheena's Lime Glowpbr, Duranta
Sheena's Lime Glowpbr with its lime/green leaves is hardier in cooler climates than it's parent Sheena's Goldtm. It is very fresh colour and makes a great hedge.
Plant Useage
For a striking hedge or border, plant Sheena's Greenpbr and Sheena's Lime Glowpbr in rows side by side and even consider adding Sheena's Gold® for added contrast. Other features of these plants are their dense foliage, rapid growth and low maintenance. Currently there are 'five' selections in the Sheena's family. They are excellent for all commercial landscapes, roadside plantings and in home gardens.
Growing Conditions
Sheena's Greenpbrand Sheena's Lime Glowpbr have the same hardiness and freedom from pest and disease attack that has made Sheena's Gold® such a reliable and rewarding plant. They can be grown in full sun to part shade. All Members of the 'Sheena's' family can be trimmed to the height and width required for a specific job. They are excellent plants and hardy in most situations, mos of them get the best colour in full sun.
Plant Care
They are ideal for topiary and make excellent specimen plants. Can be grown as a 60cm hedge or as a 3m screen. Once established your 'Sheena's' will withstand dry periods and will grow even in poorer soils as long as the drainage is good. Naturally they will grow better in fertile soils that do not dry out too much. Mulching to conserve moisture is beneficial. Pruning can be done at any time of the year. If for any reason it is necessary to move your 'Sheena's' it is best to prune hard at the time of moving. A dressing of slow release fertiliser at the beginning of summer is really beneficial.