My Fair Ladypbr, Dipladenia


All of us know the flamboyant flower show of the Dipladenia family.  The question arises do we need another one.  My Fair Ladypbr is the answer.  My Fair Ladypbr a with its white trumpet flowers with yellow centres has a lot going for it over the original pink Dipladenia of the early 80's.  It is from the branch of the Dipladenia sanderi family where My Fair Ladypbr (white) and Merlins Magicpbr (rusty red to pink), Scarlet Pimpernelpbr (rich red), Wilma's Choice (pink) are related.  These varieties are more compact, have more flowers and flower for longer periods even into the cool of winter.  They are great planted as companions where they compliment each other.

Plant Useage

Similarly to others in this family My Fair Ladypbrneeds well drained garden beds in full sunny areas.  It is very suited to large decorator pots where the lovely pink colours brighten up courtyards and containers placed around gardens.  Used in this way on patios, decks and balconies My Fair Ladypbr will withstand reasonably strong winds.  Use a stake to support the weight of the foliage and flowers. ideal for patio tubs or in a well drained garden situation.  It can be trained to climb on a trellis or pergola.

Growing Conditions

Plant in a well drained, sunny position. A good open soil or potting mix is essential as drainage is critical.

Plant Care

In cooler climates protect from frost by growing in a sheltered area or on the patio or courtyard.  Tip prune lightly to keep the plant compact. Fertilise in early spring and early autumn.