Mandevilla - Flamboyant Series - Crimson Silkpbr, Mandevilla sanderii
(The popular Dipladenia we all know and love)
Crimson Silkpbr bears masses of crimson colour flowers with pink splashes on the reverse, during the warmer months of the year. The typical bell shaped flowers are borne in greater profusion than on most other dipladenias.
Plant Useage
Dipladenias are spectacular when growing and flowering in containers and will brighten any balcony, courtyard or patio. Crimson Silkpbr will give you a rewarding show in the living areas around your home.
Growing Conditions
Plant in a well drained sunny position. A good open soil or potting mix is essential as drainage is critical.
Plant Care
Fertilise with liquid fertiliser regularly throughout Spring, Summer and Autumn. Regular light tip pruning keeps a compact shape. Watering weekly once established, will generally suffice.