Allamanda Cherry Ripe ® produces striking clusters of dark cherry coloured trumpet flowers from Spring through to Autumn. |
Columnea Cascading Beauty is a magnificent hanging plant grown primarily for its striking foliage colour. |
is a strappy plant which grows to a height of 2m and a width of 1.5m. It has attractive maroon/purple foliage with pinkish-red mid stripes. |
Dianella Golden Streak ® is an attractive clumping plant, with a moderate growth rate - to a height and width of approximately 0.6m - 1 metre and 0.6m. It features bright green broad strappy foliages with contrasting yellow stripes, and bears delicate blue flowers in winter/spring. |
Dipladenia Range - (white) / Guinevere pbr (pink) / Scarlet Pimpernel pbr (rich red) / Wilmas Choice pbr (dusty pink) / Red Riding Hood ® (red fading to pink) are more compact, have more flowers and flower for longer periods. |
with its large pure white blooms up to 100mm across are borne in profusion at the beginning of Summer. |
Gloxinia Jingles ® with its bright orange red to crimson-red bell-shaped flowers can be used as a patio pot, hanging basket or ground cover. |
Ixora Range - (tangerine) / Gold Fire (yellow) / Pink Malay (coral pink) / Sunkist (scarlet) are hardy and unique Ixoras bearing vibrant coloured flowers in profusion during the warmer months of the year. |